Monday, June 2, 2008

LEGO LAND!!!!!!!!

Have you every wondered what 23 pounds of Legos looked like...allllll dumped out on your living room floor??? Well, drumroll please...this is it!

Connor turned 6 on Saturday! Brian had been bidding on a lot of Legos and obviously won! It's great and all, but within this mess...there is a Harry Potter mansion, a soccer field, a pirate ship with pirates and other kits. Yikes! And out of all of this...Brian was able to put almost all the Harry Potter mansion together in less than 24 hours! Way to go Hubby! Now that I'm recovering from the hyperventilation of, "oh my gosh, how do we even START to organize this mess," we decided that we'd just toss them all into a big long under the bed box! (I got outvoted on having tubs for all the different colors :( Because I guess I'm a girl and didn't realize that you'd want ALL the different colors out to play with when you are building and that inevitably they would all make into one box anyway?? ) Ahh well, he loves them and that's all that really matters!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I have two girls...and we could play the same game with Polly Pocket pieces. But they don't ever make anything interesting. Just the mess. And the hyperventilation.

Pierce Family said...

Too funny, can't tell who is more excited, Connor or Brian!

Debbie said...

HI Staci! Thanks for stopping by today and leaving a comment on my post about, well, comments ;). And I must say, that is a whole lotta legos! Oh.MY.Word And how on earth did your husband manage to make the mansion in 24 hours with that pile staring him down. Wow! What a dad! I will stop by again when I have a little more time.I just wanted to come over and say HI and thanks!

Brian and Staci said...

Kat--thanks for the comment! I'm gonna go check your blog! Good to know girls have the same trouble with all those Polly pieces :)

Tim and Daphne--I know...I think it was Brian!! I think Connor was a little overwhelmed!

Debbie--Thanks for stopping by :) You're right...a whole lotta legos! And you are right again--what a husband! He did have a GREAT helper (being my 6 yrold!)in searching for pieces! He also got online and looked up the directions for the mansion...but STILL--locating those pieces amidst the mess! He is SOMETHIN' alright! I'll keep him :)

Heather said...

That is Lego heaven right there!

Tiffany said...

I love it! That looks like SO much fun!
Thanks for coming by my blog! Finding blogs like yours is exactly why we started SITS!

The Nester said...

that looks incredibly familiar!

we love legos congrats on winning!

Jennifer P. said...

aaaah...legos! I remember my brother having these things ALL OVER THE HOUSE! Many a lego sunk its way deep into my foot as I got up to use the bathroom late at night. But they ARE a blast to play with! Happy creating!

Brian and Staci said...

Heather--Thanks for stopping by! My HUSBAND AND SON were truly in heaven!
Mrs. Romero--it was fun...after I got over the initial OMG stage!
NESTER--Always good to hear from you! Can't wait to see more of your new house!
JENNIFER P.--Ahhh, yes. I've stepped on my fair share this weekend! It's funny how just recently he's decided he wants to actually create with legos! I guess it just "kicks in" when you turn six!??!

Miss Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Connor!

You need to look into a LEGO camp near you--I bet they have one :)
I like LEGOS but I always, always seem to step on them!

Thank you for kind post today--glad to know it's not just me who feels they might be losing their mind :)

Brian and Staci said...

Lisa--GREAT idea! I'll check into the Lego Camp thing! He would be allll about that! I hope your day has gotten better! Loved your food blog updates. I hadn't read them in a while (oops) and am going to try the French Toast recipe this weekend! Yummmmmm!

Emily said...

WOW! Looks like fun!

The Safi's said...

Holy Lord...I think they will have to commit me if that ever happens at my house!!!!

Free Art Printables said...

Woow, and I thought Barbie's were bad! ;) Jen R

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

Oh, my son loves Lego's too. I am always finding several stray pieces a day.