Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Omniplex...or as Connor would call it The OmniFlex!

Last Friday, we had promised Connor we would take him to the Omniplex. (For those of you who aren't from's a pretty cool science museum kinda thing.) We passed by it every day on our way to and from Zoo Camp. Sooo, as it turns out, we were major-league engrossed in the new house building thing...making all kinds of major decisions that Friday and did NOT get to make it :( I know, we are sooo bad! But, we do hold true to promises made to little boys and we got up EARLY Saturday to beat the masses and spent much of the day there. It is a pretty cool place...I took the boys there last year and was really impressed. I probably hadn't been since I was in 5th grade and can remember holding hands with Greg Snow in the dark Omnidome! WHY do we remember things like that??? Anyway, Brian said he hadn't been there in probably 20 years either! (He went with his girlfriend, Amy when they were in dental school. The reason I bring this up, is because, just think...if they'd gotten married...her name would've been Amy Amy! Tee hee! He said they always joked she could be called Amy squared!) Anyway, this is turning out to be a twister of a story...sorry for the rambling! All of that to say, we had a great time! I have posted a ton of pictures. I wish I could do all that fancy writing on pictures but I can' you'll just have to figure it out on your own, sorry! Some day, I will learn! For those of you who are following my promise to not comment or read blogs until I have exercised, well, I'm doing REALLY well! I've worked out every day before 12:00! Go me! I can sit and type now, not feeling guilty that I should be exercising and THAT is a great feeling :) Welp, hope you enjoy ALLLL these pics!


Miss Lisa said...

Have you exercised today?!

Those are great pics---it looks like a fun place to go!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

That looks like a really cool place - lots of hands on stuff. But, OMG...are you the only ones in the joint?!

Brian and Staci said...

LISA-- I sure have!!!!! I'm holding true to my commitment girl! Thanks for asking! It is a very fun place to go...the boys (and us!) had a great time! I am thinking of getting a season pass for next Summer!
Kat--It is a very cool place! It totally looks like we were the only ones there...there were only a handful of people because we got there right when it opened! Every body started piling in around 11:00, so we had lots of time to play almost by ourselves :)

Jennifer P. said...

We've got a place like that here. We get free passes through the library's summer reading program, so we go at least once a year. I think that's about all I can handle "hands on science" :)!

And Amy Amy--that's too funny!

Pierce Family said...

That place rocks!