Friday, June 6, 2008


So, I've been meaning to post about this for 2 weeks now and am just getting around to it :(

Let me just set the I don't look like SUCH a loser!

We were visiting Brian's sister and brother-in-law, who live in AZ, a couple of weeks ago. Connor was going to miss a few days of his last week of school...c'mon, he's only a kindergartener, it's fine! So, we made sure though, that we would be home for his little graduation ceremony that I was CERTAIN was at 10:30 on Thursday. Welp, let me tell you how it went down:

We arrive home at 2:30 a.m. Thursday morning. Made sure we were up and out the door for Connor's school at 9:00. Kiss, Kiss, make good decisions, all that normal routine and said we'd see him @ 10:30! Okay, so run back home to finish getting ready and my Mom calls to see if we could dog sit for a specific date. Soooo, I pull up my calendar to see if it's all clear and first thing that pops up...CONNOR'S GRADUATION...9:30...Yes, people, this was approx 10:00 at this point. We literally throw Jake into his carseat...I'm hobbling as fast as I can because my big toe was as close to being broken as you can get and all nice and purple too! All the way (maybe 7 minutes), I'm saying to Brian, "I can't believe this!" As we are pulling into the parking lot, tons of cars LEAVING! Brian stops and I run inside and yes, it's over. We totally missed his little Kindergarten graduation. He was standing kind of by himself eating a little post graduation cookie :( I ran over and said, "Oh buddy, I'm soooo sorry, Mommy thought it was at 10:30 NOT 9:30!" He says to me, "Oh Mommy, it's fine, we still had fun anyway!" Well, I'm not sure if that made it better or worse?? Glad he wasn't crying because NO ONE was there for HIM, but sad that he didn't really even miss us?? I'm attributing to him just being tired. Anyway, so Brian just says, "Just toss your hat up in the air and we'll take a picture!" That picture didn't turn out so great :( But, I did love the one posted above! His sweet kindergarten teacher did make a great DVD for everyone and at least we have that :) But, wouldn't you just feel awful? I'm really, usually a very with-it, punctual person! Don't think terribly of me...hey, it was also a 2 hr time difference we were working on! Still, Loser Mom!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

OMG...that is totally something I would do. We had invited friends over one day...and then went out an about to do errands...I completely forgot...left them sitting in my driveway. Or...took the girls to a pool party an hour late because I was sure the invite said 6pm not 5pm. You are not alone my dear, not at all! :-)

The Safi's said...

Just chalk it up to hours on the counseling couch when he's in his late 20's!!!!

Brian and Staci said...

Kat--Well, glad to hear it's not just me! Thanks for making for feel "normal"!
Lezel--I know, poor guy! Fortunately, he won't even remember...except if he reads this blog when he's 20 :)

Teri said...

When my youngest son was in the first grade, I somehow didn't realize he had a VERY SPECIAL end of year spring concert in which he was supposed to wear a blue shirt to fit in with everyone else. When I went to pick him up from the after school care, he "reminded" me that the program started in a couple of minutes. Ack! Believe it or not, this kids' favorite color was blue and he was already wearing that color. Of course, we acted like we knew all along. But I wasn't prepared with my camera - which was devastating for me.

The trial and tribulations of being a parent. (Fun though, yes?)

Brian and Staci said...

TERI---See, this is why blogging is so great...everybody makes you feel like you are so normal and nost a loser :) Glad your little guy liked blue! It is fun, I just need to loosen up a little--which is very hard for me to do! Thanks for stopping by!

Jennifer P. said...

Been there. Done that. And somehow they all turn out ok anyway :)....

I couldn't see the picture. Hope you can reload it and let us have a look.

And remember to FORGIVE YOURSELF--and put some ice on that toe!

Brian and Staci said...

JENNIFER P.--Thanks, it's always good to know I'm not the only one that does terrible things like that! (And you are right, he doesn't seem to be affected by it) Forgiving is the hardest part :( I'll try to reload the picture...if I can figure out how :) And yes, "Mom" I did put ice on that toe! (I could hear your Mommy voice all the way over from your computer to mine!) You sweet thing :)

Miss Lisa said...

I think everyone has done something like this (and look at it this way, you for sure will NOT miss the high school one now ;) )
So no, you are NOT a loser, just a mom :)

Brian and Staci said...

Thanks Lisa! I hope everything if okay over at your blog??? My computer has been in and out for the past couple of days...ughhh!

Emily said...

Oh man, mothers brain. I get it daily! You need some chocolate, now!!