Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, of course I'm behind on posting this...but CONNOR LEARNED TO RIDE HIS BIKE WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS a couple of weekends ago!!!! Very exciting stuff don't cha know??? This is a big deal, as I'm sure it is in every household. Here's why it is at our's:

For those of you who know (and love!) Connor...he can get frustrated VERY easily (like someone else I know, ahem!) when he doesn't pick up on something on THE FIRST TRY! (That would be ME I was ahemming about!) Sooo, since he and I but heads on just about everything these days, I thought it best to stay out of the way and just let Daddy take care of it! And Daddy did JUST that! I couldn't believe it! Connor listened very carefully...Brian held on to the back maybe twice and then he was off! I mean, the pride! Here are some pictures of the glorious day! (The last one was Jake needing a little love from Daddy sweet!)


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

So, does this mean that you have exercised and menu planned today? :-) Very cool about Connor riding without the training wheels. Both of my girls finally learned to do that this year. Our old house did not have a place for them to ride with all our hills. We still have the hills in our new neighborhood...but there is a flat part in our driveway. But look at your area -- very nice...and quite conducive to learning to ride!

Brian and Staci said...

KAT--Yep! I've been working out every morning so I can get RIGHT to checking blogs! What an incentive! YIPPEE for me! I have the kiddoes menu planned for next week as well! I'm trying a new menu plan for me and the's a new magazine out called Clean Eating and it has 4 weeks of plans (grocery lists and all!) for breakfasts, snacks, AND dinners! I'm very excited about it! I'll keep you updated! Thanks for asking how it was going! As for the bike riding, we will be moving next year and won't have this concrete driveway for our littlest to learn on :( Guess he'll figure it out anyway!

Miss Lisa said...

Yay for Connor! That is a big deal :)
You are so lucky to have such a big driveway to learn.

So you planned your meals and exercised--right?!

Brian and Staci said...

LISA--YES MA'AM! I'm very proud of myself this week! We'll see how week two goes :)

Emily said...

I am so afraid to take the kids training wheels off!!

Jennifer P. said...

What a perfect driveway for him to learn to ride on! And i love the picture of your husband following him while talking on the cell. phone---very "modern daddy".

Congrats Connor! Don't ride off into the sunset just yet :)!