Friday, June 27, 2008

the lake

(The picture posted above...was our beloved he would've loved it! Notice the color of the water...that's a little foreshadowing!) Read on so you'll understand:

We are headed to Lake Eufaula for the rest of the weekend. Did you notice there weren't any exclamation marks or anything...that ought to tell you my excitement level about this. I am not a "lakey" kinda girl. No offense, to all of you who are lakey girls...I just cannot shake the color of the water ???@?@?!!! I'm a little terrified of boats as well. I think there needs to be many more rules at the lake. I think people drink waaayy too much and then ski??? I'm a little concerned about a lot of things that go on at the lake, can you tell? I haven't been in years. Brian's office has been taking their staff for about three years now and they always have such a great time...I've always managed to get out of it. But, this year, there was no getting out :( Another thing, real quick, that concerns see people drinking alllll day long...yet no one ever gets out of the lake to go the bathroom??? Ooooh! I dunno. These are just observations...they aren't necessarily the people WE are hanging out with, okay?! Anyway, we are taking our Wii if that tells you anything about what I'll probably be doing. So, just in case you didn't see me commenting around or anything...(because I am quite sure I won't be able to blog)I don't want you to think I hadn't been exercising or anything...because oh, I have been, every day! It will just be because I am at .........the lake. (In my most pitiful voice and slumped shoulders)

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

So, how was the lake? When I was young we used to go to a lake house every summer. And where I grew up in Floriday, I learned how to swim at the lake...not in the pool. But, I cannot recall the last time I was in lake water...

Brian and Staci said...

well, I made it! It actually was quite fun...however, that might be because it was rainy and cold so we weren't on the boat :) Learning to swim in the lake...not scared of alligators? Yikes!

meg duerksen said...

oh had fun!
i don't really do the lake thing either.
i actually don't like to get wet at all.
just give me the beach and i'm fine.

glad you had a good time and made it back safe.
and good for you for exercising.
that's motivating.

Miss Lisa said...

I made the same observation while tubing--people drinking all that beer but no potty breaks; must be dehydration from the sun ;)

I am not a big fan of lakes either. I hate when the fish touch your ankles!

Glad it was fun!

Brian and Staci said...

Meg--Thanks! Me too, give me the beach any day...and just the beach...I only get my ankles wet...scared of sharks too! I know, I am wound (Sp?) up waaayy too tight! Thanks too on the exercising's really helping lots of ways!

Lisa--and the whole time you are just hoping it's just fish nibbling at your feet :) I find I can enjoy life greatly... from the shore, in a hammock...nearby a bathroom! Always nice to hear I'm not the only one those things worry!

Brian and Staci said...

Kat--that first comment from me was meant for you :)

Emily said...

Oh lakes, I will only go up to my knees in lakes, I don't trust whats swimmin' around in there! Lake Tahoe on the other hand is like a pool it is so clear, I would go to that lake anyday! Hope you had fun though, it's nice to get away for a while!

Jennifer P. said...

Your lake comments cracked me up! What I hate about the lake near us is that there is always some kind of green, foamy sludge floating around on the top of it----probably a result of all the drinking and no bathroom breaks!

Hope it all turned out better than you thought :)!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I did some about me randomness post a few weeks ago about learning to swim at the lake. And I don't recall alligators in our lake...or at least where we were. But it was like going to the public pool here...lots of people...and alligators are actually quite shy...