Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So, guess who accompanied us to the bookstore today?? One guess, yep.-----BUZZ LIGHTYEAR OF STAR COMMAND! Some days, you just choose your battles. Letting Jake wear this costume made of plastic (or whatever material that squeaky stuff is) 90+degree weather here...well, need I say more. I just wasn't up for trying to explain to a newly three year old why that wasn't appropriate, so off we went to the bookstore. (Where, I might add...EVERYONE was cracking up and he was given many salutes...which he loved!) It is almost 7:00 and he is still sporting it! I'm scared he might want to sleep in it as well :( Now THAT battle---he may not win! Sleep well my friends--for our galaxy is well protected tonight!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

When my girls were little, I cannot tell you how many places we went in dress-up clothes. Even to church. Now, they still like to dress up...but not so much out of the house. Except for "hats." We have tiaras that are a big hit...and they still like to wear those. It's not a battle worth fighting.

Emily said...

So cute, I love it.

The boys always want to wear their cowboy garb to the store with me and most of the time I say no. Sometimes I give in and it is just so funny. ;)

Miss Lisa said...

That's so cute :) He looks adorable!
I'm really thinking boys could care less how hot it is as long as they look cool ;)
(So did he sleep in it?)

Pierce Family said...

That is too cute, we saw superman the other night at B&N. I am just waiting for Owen to ask to wear costumes.

Brian and Staci said...

Kat-- Funny you bring up hats...Jake loves to wear the Captain Hook one too :) Maybe boys and girls aren't so different after all, HA HA!!
Emily--Thanks, my boys haven't really ever been in to the "cowboy" theme...but they are only 3 and 6! It's good to give in some times:)
Lisa-- Thanks! You are right...he was smothering when I went to change his diaper...YES, he is STILL in diapers ughhh! Nope, he didn't sleep in it...ONLY because I made SURE his Thomas pjs were clean :)
Daphne--Were the boys scared of the Batman movie?? Ya know, Connor never really liked to dress up...but Jake is a whole different ballgame! Crazy how they are soooo different!

Jennifer P. said...

I use to drag my kids out in a tiger costume constantly. You're right--pick your battles :)!

Nicole said...

Thanks for coming to visit my blog, and for the comment. I LUV the buzz lightyear costume. I have a 4 year old who loves Toy Story, and would be in heaven with a buzz costume like that. He has a buzz doll that he tells everyone is from Walmart.