Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Dreaded Post!

Okay, so I've dreaded writing this post for a while now. I have a very bad little habit right now...I'm very addicted to....blogging! (Were you REALLY worried I was gonna say cigarettes or alcohol or something! I wish I were! I think it might be easier to quit! You know I'm kidding!) I know, I know, you all will say you do too...or at least I hope you will! It's not like I totally ignore my family or anything, but literally, I could spend hours upon hours just reading. Is that soooo ridiculous! I guess it's because I just love knowing that sooo many people out there go through the same "mom" issues I go through and that is very comforting. BUT, I feel like the time I spend "bloggin", I could be menu planning and most of allllll...the dreaded EXERCISING! Because when I have a menu planned and I have exercised, my day goes sooo much better and I feel much better about MYSELF! So, the sad part about this is: now that I've blogged about, I have to commit to it! I'm generally that kind of a person. I need some accountability I guess! By YOU! My faithful bloggy friends! So, I'm committing to myself, that I can't check or comment on blogs until I've exercised for the day! ICK! What am I thinking! Is there a Bloggers Anonymous I could just go to now! I am going to let myself check some blogs that supply me with menus because that's a lot of help! So, I guess what I'm saying is, if you don't see me around commenting as much, it's because I'm just sitting at the computer staring wishing I could blog and NOT exercising! If you are interested in my ridiculous challenge, let me know! (But don't expect a comment until I've exercised!) (Which, by the way, I have already done today...YIPPEE!!) I hope everyone understands, I'm not snubbing anyone, I just need to figure out some Summer schedule that involves other things than blogging! Okay, off to get a menu planned :) have a great day everyone!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I do water aerobics in the mornings during the school year...and at night this summer. It's great. But, because I've paid for the class...I'm not likely to blow it off for blogging. And for menu planning, I do that on Saturday or Sunday before I send my hubby off to the grocery store. Good luck with your resolution :-)

Brian and Staci said...

KAT--I struggle with getting up early!!! I am NOT a morning person! If I would just get up and get it done, life would be a whole lot easier! Now that I've committed myself, maybe that will get me out of bed :0 We have a great workout area in our house so I don't need to go to a gym...almost wish I did have to go the gym, because, like you, I wouldn't blow it off! I'll keep you updated :)

Miss Lisa said...

I think that is a great idea!
I always have a better day when I exercise--let me know about the challenge :)

On menu planning, I pretty much have to--going to a grocery store with four is not fun so I limit it to as few times a month as possible!

Brian and Staci said...
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Brian and Staci said...

LISA-- Thanks, I'll keep everybody updated! I've already done my abs and aerobic workout for the day! YEAH ME! Maybe I just need 2 more kids so that I'll HAVE to menu plan :) Somehow, I think it might be cheaper to just stick with the two I have and JUST DO IT---Menu plan that is :o

Anonymous said...

Ok , Im not alone... I use to fix pancakes and waffles and bacon... Now they get cereal, instant oatmeal, and go outside and play. I feel so bad about this but I have got to just step away sometimes... It's hard to do. we need a club, Susie H

Emily said...

Bloggers addict anonymous. ;)

Jennifer P. said...

i think we've all had to find "acceptable blogging times" so we don't get carried away. I know I've turned into an up till 2 am kinda girl just to make sure no one is being left out. Sigh. But I do exercise first, and make meals, but I have to admit that my floor has been cleaner... :)