Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's All About the Cast Baby!

Well...oh dear...where DO I start? Maybe a list of things stating what is hard to do with only one hand...and your non-dominant hand at that :)

Opening sippy cups
twisting ANY cap off...especially toothpaste
wiping (your own you know what and your 3 yr olds!)
changing dirty diapers or wet ones
washing dishes
putting on eyeliner
putting on lipliner
showering (with a bag over your arm)
shaving---anything, legs, arms...
flipping your cell phone open before it closes back on itself
oh, ya know...the list could go on and on...
I don't want to complain...things could be so much worse.
I think God is trying to teach me a lesson of letting things go.
I'm learning.
Sorry this post is so choppy...
I'm eternally grateful for the best sister-in-law in the world! She flew in to my rescue because Brian left on Sunday to teach in Philly for a week. Yes, could THAT have been a MORE incovenient time?? Anyway, my sister-in-law has been a chaffeur-driven, diaper changin' fool this week! And I love her to pieces! So, Thanks Karen, if you are reading...I truly DON'T know what we would've done without you!
Anyway, after one week of this soft cast a foam box I had to wear that made me look like a transformer or something...I finally got my hard cast today! Oh...praise be to God! Amazing the difference! I can actually lower my arm now and not look like a robot! Connor was the "Box Police". Anytime (which was VERY rare..I am a great rule follower!) that I didn't have it on...he would kindly say in his best "mommy voice"..."mommy, where's yooouuurr booooxxx???" Thanks. K, so, I'm tired of typing...but am anxious to get to catch up on everyone's lives. Just remember water makes floors wet in case you forgot...resulting in home accidents :) And Jennifer P...I LOVED your Oklahoma song...made me very happy :)


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am glad to hear that you have help. Imagine all the skills your children can be learning in the next few weeks. Cooking. Cleaning. Typing. Driving?

Brian and Staci said...

Kat! Thanks for checking in on me :) Two boys=not much nurturing...or so I would've thought! To my delight...Connor HAS stepped up to the plate like a champ and is helping with sooo many things! God love him! If I could just dictate to him :) looks like you are still having a great trip!! Be safe!

Jennifer P. said...

One of my boys broke his arm a couple of years back and I remember what a pain it was---and he didn't even do much! I'm glad you've got help and a good sense of humor---those will make all the difference! And I can't tell you how honored I am that you would comment on my blog one-handed. If I were there I would sign your cast!!!

Miss Lisa said...

No fun--glad you have some help.
I bet when it's off, the first thing you'll be thankful for is having two hands :)

Emily said...

Are you just typing with one hand! I'm impressed!