Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Future Son-in-law???

Now...I know what you are thinking..."first toilets". (Remember I AM just learning to nice!) This picture was taken because there are TWO things that are sooo great....if you are a mom of only boys. Number 1) The toilet is down (Hurray!) and Number 2) (My personal favorite :) Connor put a brand new roll of toilet paper on!!! Don't you just love that! The other funny can't really see...because I cannot take pictures like Kat, Meg or Emily :( is that he TRIED to make a pretty little point with the paper :) but he didn't crease it hard only one end stayed. How cute is that?!

Okay...DO NOT get me wrong...Connor is far from perfect...but when you see things like just want to scream, "YAY!!! You really DO love your mother!" So, all my bloggin buddies...any of you with girls...KAT?...LEZEL?....MEG?....LISA?...wanna prearrange a wedding?? He'll be a great's ONE less thing your beautiful girls will have to train him to do :)


Aunt Julie said...

You have to be careful about that urn in the corner, though--don't want the boys to use that! :)

Pierce Family said...

My boy would use the urn!!!

The Safi's said...

Oh you know Ariana is in love with Connor...that could defintely be arranged a continued dental dynasty in the making!

Brian and Staci said...

Veggie mom--Oh my goodness...the thought has NEVER crossed my mind...I guess it hasn't crossed their's it is always clean...I think :) You can bet I'll be checking it a little better now :)
Pierce's--I'm cracking up that you guys even thought about that! I guess I am waaay to trusting??!! Now, I'm gonna go move the urn.
Safi's--Wouldn't that be fun! Oh the "Safi/Amy" Christmases !!! Okay...I'm rehearsals...yikes! I want to see pictures of Gulfshores!!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, my girls could rob the cradle...especially for a guy that knows how to put on the toilet the correct over position.

(And you are sooo would not have taken this picture before blogging! And thanks for praising my photography skills...such as they are :-)

Amanda said...

Thats just so cute!
I'm lucky if my boys actually flush the loo after themselves!!
Can we swap boys?!
Tee-Hee :D
Amanda x

Jennifer P. said...

I'm laughing at pierce family comment---I was thinking the same thing. That urn is very "toilet like". Maybe you should poke some sticks in it :)?!

And I'm now sad I don't have girls. A man that can make a good TP roll point IS quite a catch! (or quite a great future hotel maid! :) ).

Brian and Staci said...

Kat--Rob away!!! I didn't realize he preferred his toilet paper in the over position until yesterday :)
Amanda--Like I said...he's by far perfect...and I think this is the first time I've seen the lid down on the "loo" in months! They must be talking about that at school :) We can swap...but trust'd want your's back :)
Jennifer P.--That WAS a funny comment from the Pierce's...That urn is actually used as our it is usually full of stuff and I guess they've never even thought of "going" in there! Let's just hope that his skills of toilet paper folding are kept at home and not maid services :)

Miss Lisa said...

I will keep him in mind---but I'd really like him to teach the husband. He thinks elves put on toilet paper, put the seat down, take out the garbage, clean out the sink, empty the dishwasher....shall I go on?

Anonymous said...

Just checking in!! Keep up the blogging!

Brian and Staci said...

Lisa--I won't complain on that husband is very good at putting the seat down. HOWEVER, it seems as though I AM ALWAYS the one that has to replenish to TP...he always leaves JUST enough...ya know what I mean?!! I will brag on him though...if I can? He is usually the one that unloads the dishwasher :) His family had a rule growing up...if you opened the dishwasher...and the dishes were had to put them up. So, it's one of those rules he has always followed. Yay for me! I wish I could thank my mother-in-law (she is deceased) but you can bet that when the boys are old enough...that rule will be implemented around here as well :)
Shelly-- REALLY!!??? Is that you??? Does this mean that you have a new post or is it still from Mother's Day? (You know I love ya!) Can't wait for Bunco!

Aubrey said...

OMG! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog for a tour of Colorado because it led me back to you!
Your little one REALLY does love you. That was funny!
Also, I had to laugh at your post with the not-so-great boiled eggs. That is my end result each and every time! If you mastered it, maybe I can too!

Unknown said...

...that vase in the corner is BEAUTIFUL! and i can see the lil toilet paper crease how cute!

Tamie said...

it is so true! applaud the little milestones all you can! i would have gotten all sappy had my boys done the same thing! too cute!
thanks for stopping by my place yesterday, it was great to see you!
and yes...the "BIG" game is this weekend...on sunday though (not sure why) we call it the Rocky Mountain Showdown...between the Buffs (yuck!) and my alma matter CSU (GO RAMS!) i probably won't even watch it....sad, i know.

Kathi Roach said...

Wow! I'm impressed. I can't even get my peeps to put the new roll on the holder.

By the way...congrats on your success with the eggs!

Also, your kitchen is gorgeous.

Brian and Staci said...

Aubrey--Thanks for stopping by! You did a great job! My little guy DOES love me :) It's the little things! You too can master the eggs...if I can!
Georgie--thanks! The vase thingy was $5 at Kirkland's Home! Woo hoo! I love a bargain!
Tamie--It's the little things ya know! I love it! The Rocky Mountain Showdown huh! I do hope you can find the time to watch a little :) Go Rams!
Kathi--I DO have the egg thing mastered...I think :) With that batch anyway! I had to boil about 15 eggs for a potato salad for church last Saturday...I'm soo tired of peeling eggs! Thanks! I do love my kitchen...makes it a little more fun to cook in :)