Sunday, April 6, 2008


(This pic was from December!)
So, Brian has been out of town since Thursday...we've muddled through without Daddy on a weekend :( I'm catching up on some blogging while the boys are playing Super Mario Galaxy. I know, don't look at the's 10:30 am and we aren't at church and they are playing their Wii. Connor actually plays...REALLY well, Jake, not so much, or at least we thought not so much. Usually we just give him a controller and he thinks he's helping Connor out with Mario. So, here's the funny thing I hear 2 seconds ago...

Connor: "Wow, Jake, do that again!"

Jake: "OK Connor"

Connor: "Mommy, this kid is gooood!"

I don't know whether to be ashamed or proud?? that my just turned 3 yr old can play Super Mario Galaxy!


Miss Lisa said...

Oh you have a Wii! You are so lucky. My husband is dying for one :)
And thanks for clarifying the picture--I thought someone had a Santa fedish :0

Nicole Brady said...

LOL - I have the same problem! My 5 year old is very very good at it and my 3 year old does well at ones that don't require the chuck. (It takes both her little hands just for the one controller.) We've already started using the "No games" thing as punishment.

As for Lisa - Yeah, DH was the inspiration behind our Wii despite the fact that we already have an XBox 360. But the Cooking Mama game was MY idea!