Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So, here's how my Monday started:

Walking upstairs to wake the boys up...head down, look up to turn the light on and Connor is standing at the top of the stairs. Scares the *@!!&*^* out of me! I say, "well, good morning buddy, didn't hear you up here all getting ready, and by the way, you are all dressed and ready for school, huh?" "Yep, Mommy, I looked out the window and it's a 2 shirt day." (OKAY, IN HIS DEFENSE, IT DID LOOK REALLY COLD, BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY CRAZY, HUMID AND LIKE 70 DEGREES ALREADY BECAUSE OF SOME CRAZY STORMS THAT CAME THROUGH LAST NIGHT) Anyhoo, he had chosen fleece pants, a long-sleeved shirt with a hood and a t- shirt over least there was camo on the side of the pants to match the camo black--one green! He then says, "Mommy, there's been a disaster!" I reply, "Well, what do you mean buddy?" He says, "well, come in the play room and see...(the tv is on the local news channel giving the latest update on the tornado that touched down on the west side of Edmond. Now, usually he doesn't see this stuff because I keep the tv in the play room on kid-friendly channels, BUT, Brian was watching the storms upstairs the night before and had left it on the local channel...all for our 5 yr old to start his day off with..thanks honey!) So, he goes on to say, "A tornado ripped off this family's roof last night!" I say, "Yikes, that's just terrible, now let's turn this off and take a picture of this get -up you've got on today!" "Mommy, why are you taking a picture of me?" "Because you are so dang cute!"

I knew I needed a picture of this to remind me why I still pick his clothes out! So, without further ado, sp? Here is the picture of Connor's choice of clothes for the day:

1 comment:

Miss Lisa said...

I think he looks adorable!
Those tornados earlier scared me (and they are predicting bad stuff for tonight here).