Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Personal Storm Tracker!

Just a little shout out to my friend and personal storm tracker, Shelly! Thanks for keeping me ahead of the fire, in this case! She knows I wouldn't be watching the local news at this hour because, hello, Dora is on Noggin! So, she heard "Timbuktu" on the news and knew it had to be close to me and sent out her big alert! Thanks Shelly! I know it's safe to say YOU don't have a weather woody! Hope you have a fantastic trip to The Bahamas! Start the Jergens natural glow right now!


Miss Lisa said...

Hope y'all are OK. We had tornado warnings but no sirens so I slept through it all--a friend called me this morning to see if we were OK and I was like 'yeah, why' ;)

The Nester said...

Hey Staci!

Just stopped in to say hello and tell you that you and your family are beautiful!

The Nester said...

Girl, you are way TOO funny! Your email didn't show up so I couldn't email you back. Hate me for padding your comments and all!

I think if you add your email in your profile then people can directly email you back when you comment--but I'm not totally sure of that.

Ok, hear this. Chris Daughtry goes to my sister's church. Yes. It is too exciting to even use !!!!!!!'s. It is also my old church that I moved from 11 months ago and my very best friend and sister's HUSBAND gets a job at that very church and to top it off, CDaughtry goes there. Both happened like a WEEK after I moved. Of course.

She gets everything!

Here's how I knew you read my blog....I read your comment over at Jennifer P's blog Peterson's go public and I was all--there is no way I'm gonna have someone say that they haven't left a comment for me yet!

Otherwise, unless you link to me, I would never know that you were there unless I knew your IP address. So, you can still lurk other blogs in peace--until you comment, then it's all out in the open girl!