Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'M BACK!!!!

Okay, I know everyone has been on pins and needles since I "came" out of my lurking closet...ha ha! Anyway, I'm dying to blog but my day MUST consist of other duties. I will post more later but just in case you needed your "Staci" fix...I thought I'd let ya know we are back and had a great time! I do want to say, I'm feeling very grateful and blessed today. Mainly because I am able to stay at home and try to conquer this insurmountable pile of laundry from being gone for only 5 days! I'm so thankful for Brian working so hard so I don't have to rush off this morning to work and be stressed out that there is laundry that needs to be done and stuff like that. I'm just that way, laugh if you must, wish I could change it, but I can't. I generally have laundry done the same day I get home from a trip, but last night was not the case. We were supposed to arrive home at 6:00 p.m. but instead, we arrived home around 8 :00. Then, a drive down to Norman to pick up the boys...who had a GREAT time at Mimi's I might add! Thanks Mom, if you are reading. Anyway, very tired today after all that and very thankful I can be at home doing laundry and getting caught up on all the love. So, Brian, if you are reading, thanks for all your hard work for your family. We love you soooo much! Gosh, this is turning into a sappy thank you post. Really, all I wanted to say was, hey...I'm home (if anyone cares!), I had Monica (from Friends) hair while I was in Cancun (see, if I was a great blogger, I'd be able to link you to that particular episode, but remember people, I'm not, so you'll have to find it yourself!), and hopefully, I'll have pictures up very soon! I know you can't wait to hear all about me getting seasick on our Katamaran day and things like that :) So, can't wait to get caught up with everyone! Can't wait to hear how the BlogHer conference was!!! Until later....


Miss Lisa said...

I am the very same way about laundry after vacation--I HAVE to do it right away!
Glad you had fun :)

Amanda said...

Oooh, I do look forward to pics!