Thursday, December 18, 2008

Um, Santa...sorry :(

All I can say is this....

So today, Jake had his little preschool program and in true Jake form...just pretty much stood there only singing parts he was interested in singing. NOT gonna compare children though...nope, not gonna do it :) (Because Connor, at this age, actually SANG and did all the sign language to the songs...and that's all I'm gonna say!) Amazing how different children are!

Anyway...after their little singing program, Santa always makes a little appearance and the kids can sit in his lap and tell them what they would know the drill...then they get a candy cane. Wellllll, Jake was first in line...Santa asked him what he wanted....of course, I know Jake is going to say a Red Blues Clues Notebook...because he tells me this EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. of his life :) (By the way, if you are trying to find one...they are kinda hard to come by at the stores....ebay is your best shot!) Oh yes, back to the that's exactly what he says. Oh yes, and he also wants..............A BOMB! WHAT????@!?!##??!!??!??! Poor Santa. He was speechless, as was I. You should've seen my face. You should see my face still when I think about it! Which brings me to my next question....WHY???? Why would he say that?? I mean, he and Connor do act like they are blowing things up sometimes. (Only bad guys, mostly) I just don't get it?? I felt awful. I'm so sorry Santa. I hope you still see it fit to bring him a Red Notebook....I won't let him blow it up, I promise. He doesn't look like the next UniBomber (sp?), does he? BIG SIGH!!!!!!


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am sitting here giggling. At that cute guy in a tux. Asking for a bomb for Christmas. I think it's that second child thing. And them wanting to say things that will shock you. I know. Because I hear shocking things all the time. All the time.

Amanda said...

Andrew wants a tank and a machine gun ~ and a real WW2 British and German helmet for Christmas (he is the Army Freak after all) And today he asked for some Sandbags. God only knows what he wants to do with those!
Jake is such a handsome boy all done up in his Tux ~ and if he doen't get the bomb he wants he can come over and play with Andrew's Machine Gun, Sandbags and real WW2 helmets!!!
I hope he gets his red Blues Clues Notebook!
Amanda x

Amanda said...

BTW He is NOT getting a machine gun, WW2 helmets, tank or sandbags because we couldn't find them in Toys r Us!

Ronnica said...

I hope Santa doesn't bring the bomb down the chimney but realizes it's an outdoor toy. =)

Becky W said...

LOL!!!! So hard my husband asks what was funny! Oh my!!! Bless your heart and Santa's - probably ought to add Jake as well!!

Miss Lisa said...

He looks so sweet in that tux! Where on earth did you get that?!
Poor Jake--I don't think he'll be getting everything he wants this year lol :)

CC said...

Oh my. That's an interesting one to deal with...

By he is soooo handsome looking!

Tabitha said...

OMG ~ I was reading this and thought 'ah how sweet' ~ then I read the 'BOMB' part and almost wet myself laughing (sorry ~ bit too much info there ha ha!!!).
Don't ya just love kids ~ I have worked with children for 10 years now and believe me ~ I have just about heard it all ~ there is just no explaining them sometimes tee hee!!
He looks so cute by the way ~ I am sure Santa will understand and still bring the notepad
love and hugs XXXX

Jennifer P. said...

oh too funny! At least he didn't say "a bomb like my daddy builds in the basement".....or he could have actually dropped some curse word bomb :)!

That is one cute boy. I would probably have caved looking in those eyes and found a way to give him the bomb :)

Pierce Family said...

That is soooo funny, one day you can embarrass him with that story!