Monday, December 1, 2008

I Guess Boxes Are NOT My Thang!

Oops...this was supposed to be a box of granola bars...instead it's a picture of Pilgrim Jake :)

Okay...I went to open a box of waffles (for Jake...for lunch...his request! At least they are Kashi... with real maple syrup, right?!) And seriously, I decided that I CANNOT open a box the proper way if my life depended on it! So, it got my little brain to thinking...wonder how many boxes are ripped or torn?? Well, let me just show you what I found on my little tour:
(I know this is such a lame post...but to all of you who know me sooo well...this was a big deal! I took the pictures myself (they aren't so great, sorry) AND downloaded ---or is it uploaded??--them to the computer!!! I know, I am a sad soul. So, enjoy...this post may be up for at least a week :)
So, please tell you have issues with boxes? Or are you like Brian and it always opens perfectly and closes back where it's supposed to?? He can even get a HUGE inflatable slide to go back in its original box??? MY HERO!


Jennifer P. said...

my boxes look like that too! It's a given when you have kids! Also, bags of chips, pretzles, etc. are often opened at the wrong end!

I am coming to steal your little dog. Make your kids aware of this :)!

*and CONGRATS! by the way on the picture uploading thing! It really is a great little victory of a feeling, isn't it?!

Miss Lisa said...

LOL I thought it was a great post--and sneaky you throwing in a pic of your sweet boy (glad you did)

I guess what you could do is just dump all the contents out into another container like hmmm a glass one to look nice or for the freezer--freezer bags.
And how 'bout them Sooners--you have no idea how angry Texans are down here--haha ;)

Amanda said...

I'm a bit like Brian ~ but i draw the line with trying to put inflatables back into their boxes! hahaha!!!
But let me tell you, there is a person in our house that likes to put empty boxes away in cupboards ~ yes that would be Richard!
Amanda x

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Some boxes are next to impossible to open. And my kids are usually the ones that are destroying boxes. We recycle our cardboard, so I always have to open them - from all ends - to make them lie flat.

And I am so proud of you for downloading your pics to the computer and then uploading them to your blog. You need to wear the tech savvy crown today :-)

Pierce Family said...

You crack me up!

Anonymous said...


Emily said...

Boxes are not my THANG either, they are all ripped and torn. It's a busy mom thing, I think!

Jennifer P. said...

Alright Miss Staci-
If you want MM details, you'll have to email me: ;)