Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bye-Bye, Friend

If I was really creative, I'd write a poem or something cute...but I'm not and I'm tired. So, I just wanted to say a quick little thank you to my good old standby of a clippie. She's been there for me on MANY a bad hair day. I decided recently I needed a "style"...instead of a clippie to hold my overgrown bangs back and a ponytail. I don't want to shortchange my collection of hats either. They have done their fair share of covering up as well. But, the clippie was there every day for me :) I will resort to her on days of dire need, but for this brief time, I'm tucking her into my drawer safely to be brought out on those days when I just need a friend. Everyone who knows me well knows how I am so attached to my clippies ...AKA, bobby pin but I do sometimes put my little blingy one in to add a little spice to my life! So, goodbye for now my friend...until I just can't stand these bangs in my eyes any longer! I'm going to try and post a picture of my favorite clippies and my new do...bare with me, you all know this is a real challenge since I haven't posted pics in a while. It's like learning to do it allllll over again :( Yes, I am that sad on the computer! Okay, here goes! I am loving my new style though! Now that I am looking at this photo...the right side needs to be snipped a little bit...better call my hairdresser tomorrow!


Emily said...

I LOVE your hair. it is so cute!

Have fun in AZ... I am SO jealous!

Unknown said...

wow, is that really u of did brian "create" this pic? Very cute. Bangs ?

Brian and Staci said...

Nope..it's really me! Brian did take the pic...but no "creating" went on during this picture! Bangs--yes...just not quite as short this time. Next time, going a little bit shorter! Can't wait to see your's! Have a great "girl's" weekend!