Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Snowing---in my house

Okay, so, I've decided that I'm not good at updating my own blog but LOVVVVE just looking--lurking at others! (If I was really good on the computer I'd know how to put a line through lurk, but I'm a computer dummy!) There are soo many creative and inspiring people out there! Again, if I was really good, I could link you to these incredible blog sites, but I don't know how to do that either!) Anyway, this is a little how my afternoon has gone and it's only 12:47 at the time of this post.
11:25- Pick up Connor from Kindergarten
11:45-Fixin' up some lunch (same-O, same-O everyday of this life with a 2 and 5 yr old)
12:00 -They have whoofed down their food and on to the festivities--which I'm sure will involve getting into some kind of trouble!
12:15- Sure 'nough, Connor has been running around trying to swat Jake with a diaper (it's a clean one thankfully--one I meant to put on him, oh, maybe an hour ago before picking up Connor from K! Ought to be NICE and wet now!)
OKAY, so we all know--or maybe we don't- what this means, right? There are little micro-sticky, gel beads from the diaper ALLL over my house! Uggghhh! (I am saying a prayer once again that it was a CLEAN diaper!) So, I give the big "UGGGHHH" yell loud enough they know I've discovered the first festivity of which they are in trouble for! I hear, "RUN, Jake, I think we are in trouuuubble." (I did make him come down and pick up the big fluffy pieces) So now, I've added to my list of things to do today...vacuum! Which needed to be done really. It's just, we are going on a little trip to Great Wolf Lodge tomorrow and I am trying to get laundry done, pack, get in a work out, and make dinner, just to name a few! But I will gladly choose vacuuming over working out, so here I go off to shovel the snow beads! My saving grace is that I have a sitter coming tonight (Brian has a meeting) because I have BUNCO! YEAH! Gotta run! Hope everyone has a great rest of the day!
What's funny I saw and heard this scene playing out, I thought to myself, "well, at least I have something to blog about!" Like anyone reads my blog?? (And again, if I were a Good Blogger, I would've taken pictures and posted them!)


Miss Lisa said...

I read your bog :)
Funny story--now I know what to do if i want a White Christmas next year ;)
Have a fun vacation--we live near one of those and my kids are begging to go!

Unknown said...
I know yhou run shy of blogs to read and thought you might enjoy this one!!!

Pierce Family said...

Another lurker here! We met those nasty sticky pieces in the diaper last year when Owen was playig with the hose. We didn't quite know what it was at first, but then we found those things EVERYWHERE!

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