Sunday, March 9, 2008

Help, I'm Being Ambushed--by Bunnies!

So, my Mom bought the boys this little game...where you are supposed to squish down these little suction cup-like bunnies and eggs and catch them in these little baskets. So cute right? Well, maybe if my boys were girls...they would play quietly catching bunnies and eggs. On the contrary, my boys are squishing them down and creating "land mines"! Here's what I heard while getting ready for Church this morning:

Two sets of pitter pattering of little feet, then heeeee heeeee, whispers of shhhhh, Jake!
10 seconds later...mmmmpop (that's the best I could describe a suction cup release sound :)
2 seconds later....heee heeee

Of course, this went on for waaayy too long, but each time they thought they were secretly ambushing me, I'd scream out like it scared me!

It's truly amazing to me how children can do something over and over and really think they are being quiet and that would really scare me time after time???? Oh the joys of raising two boys !!!!! :) :) :)


Miss Lisa said...

Trust me--girls do the same stuff :)
Grandmas send such 'fun' games don't they ?!

Miss Lisa said...

You've been tagged...check my blog for the details!