Monday, January 7, 2008

Just a Thought

Okay, so before I forget this cute little moment, I at least have to type it in our blog!
So, today, I was putting away our front door Christmas decor...yes, I have no excuses now, even The Epiphany is over! Anyway, the boys and I were outside, it was actually a pretty nice day and not too windy and I was kinda running in and out...the boys playing...rather nicely! So, here's the conversation with Connor and Mommy:

Mommy: "Connor, I'm going to run inside really fast and take this all the way upstairs and I'll be RIGHT back out okay? I need for you to keep your biggest and best eye on Jake okay?" (I mean, our gate was closed, where can an almost 3 and 5 1/2 yr old guy on 30 acres????)
Connor: "Okay Mommy!" Running off...then instantly turning back around saying, "which eye IS that?"
Mommy: With an absoluteness in my voice: "Definitely the right one!"
Connor: "Got it!"

Gotta love that kid! And yes, I did get all the decor down and no kids wandering down to the pond unsupervised! Yea me!

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